The best camera is the one you have with you. But what if that camera was coque iphone 6 quiksilver improved with pro coque iphone 6 chocolat features, a gorgeous interface, intuitive controls, and coque tissu iphone xr was always with you

That camera is Obscura.

Obscura is designed to make it fast and easy etui coque iphone 4 to capture stunning images. Whether you shooting in portrait or coque iphone 8 plus chanel landscape, the Control Wheel fits into your hand perfectly. You apple coque iphone 4s won be fumbling around trying to capture a photo when you in a hurry everything is accessible coque iphone 5 cannabis with one thumb. Finely tuned coque iphone 5s avant et arriere haptic coque iphone 4s pour aller sous l eau feedback gives the devices a sense of coque iphone coque collier iphone xr 6 plus verre trempé physicality, so you coque iphone 7 indestructible can feel coque flash iphone xr every adjustment.

You can shoot in a wide range of formats:

RAW capture more details coque coque hamburger iphone xr iphone 6s marvel and allow coque iphone 6s gold for a greater amount of flexibility when editing.

HEIC a new image format that uses coque defense iphone xr advanced compression for coque iphone xr led coque iphone 5c spigen high quality files at smaller sizes.

JPEG You can never really go wrong coque iphone 6s doré with JPEG, can you It just works everywhere.

Live Photo combine high resolution photos with video clips that bring your images to life.

Depth allows you coque iphone paris magasin to apply exciting portrait mode effects and more.

Obscura includes a bunch of gorgeous filters to add style to your images.

There are 19 included filters, perfect coque iphone 6 plus led for a wide range of scenes.

A Sepia filter unlocked by sharing the app with friends

A Black White filter pack, including coque iphone mignon 8 filters. Especially good for dealing with low light and striking architecture.

An Analogue filter pack, including 7 filters. amazon coque iphone 5 s These work great for giving a cinematic look to your images…

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