You all seen it. A YouTube bloggercapitalizes on the entertainment marketfor a video destroying the brand new iPhone. And for what image de coque iphone To huawei p8 lite 2017 coque rose coque iphone 5s krusty show tough it is. Case and point: The it Blend, series isperhaps coque iphone 4 harry styles one coque iphone 7 quad lock of the first sensational innovators of technology destruction asentertainment (if you don include Office Tom Dickson showed off the very firstiPhone in 2007, and seconds later he fed it to the blades of a coque huawei p8 miroir $400 super blender in a glorious tornadoof Michael Bay worthy metal carnage. Don breathe this, Dickson chimes. View count Over easy cash coque iphone 12 million to date. This is why we can have nice things.

But what does this tech carnage fetishsayabout society You might thinkit sounds trite, but hear me out. Throwing money away (almost literally) coque iphone sonix to destroy technology or personal property is well within one rights, but there a more coque iphone 7 football americain disturbing pieceof this behavior that should be addressed.

Here where my argument punchesa little dark. Foxconn is the plant in Shenzhen, China that makes most of our devices, whether youlike it or not. Smartphones, laptops, and computers coque iphone 6 plus stars wars from almost every major manufacturer are built in this factory, and if you haveread any tech blog in the last decade, you are quitefamiliar. Foxconnis the coque iphone 6 bumper noir same manufacturing plant that had 14 coque iphone xs max chanel workers successfullycommit coque iphone 5s silicone coca cola suicide in 2010. Yes, this implies there were more (17 total attempts that year).

I get it. Youwant to buy the burger, not meet the cow. But short of not buying everyday consumer technology,there are ways one can respect the labor that goes into the production of these devices. And this isn about whether or not you favorApple, hate Samsung, or despise any other manufacturer technology. coque iphone 5c bande dessinée Addressingthe ethics of is about whether or not you respect the human element oftechnology in this world.

Payingfull price for a device solely to destroy it when coque nba huawei p8 lite 2017 the people who built it aren even paid enough to purchase the same technology coque iphone 5s cuir marron isdownright inhumane. And as a Huffington Post blog points coque iphone 5s natoo out, this cycle of poverty only begins with the Foxconn workers (who live and work at thefactory for less than $300 USD a month). After the technology is built in China and shipped to American stores, Apple employees are also notoriously underpaid coque iphone 6 death note long hours shelling outdevices out to animpoverished public who spills these devices outonto the black market.

Case and point: Just last week Casey Neistat released a film showing an impoverished Asian population attempting to flip iPhone 6s after queuing up at Apple Stores forthe iPhone in NYC. Somein the video belowwere even arrested for sleeping on the sidewalk by members of the NYPD. Of those who did survivethe 2 3 day wait on the sidewalk (and police harassment), many were documented reselling said products to wealthier individuals on the coque huawei p8 kawaii black market for a premium immediately afterward. And then People destroy the devices on YouTube, reaping back their sunk costs in advertising dollars.

So what my coque iphone 6 silicone 3d appareil photo suggestedsolution Those in the realm of are not responsible for Apple lack of tact in public business practices or use of glorified coque huawei p8 personnalisable labor camps to build their products. However, if Blendtec or Rated RR (who tortured several iPhone 6 models in numerous ways) actually gave a portion of proceeds to people who actually needed it they would be doing the coque iphone 7 assasination classroom world a service (Blentec has reportedly given eBay funds to charity).

Instead of small coque huawei p8 lite personnalisable iPhone giveaways to random subscribers, what coque iphone 6swag if video bloggers gave portions of proceeds to public schoolsin need of new computers Or, what if insteadof us reveling in the tech carnageYouTubers provide, WEbuilta movement to increase the minimum wage What if WEcomplained to Apple to and other manufacturers to comeback to the United States and stop supporting inhumane labor conditions..

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