True colors shines through

Here to blog again Went to Innova JC’s open house with bague solitaire diamant 2 ors Adeline, Xinying, ChinPing, Huiying and Jiaying on Thursday. Well, the school’s quite good and they have quite a lot of facilities bague or blanc diamant rubis and CCAs. Anyway, don’t think I’ll be going to Millenia Institute for the first 3 months because I’m not even sure bague or jaune diamant noir et blanc if I can make it to a JC for the JAE. There’s no point going to a JC for the first 3 months if after that I’m going to a polytechnic. Haha. Back to Thursday After the open house, we went to Yvonne’s place to get bague solitaire or jaune et blanc some things then went bague or jaune pierre fine to AMK’s Macs to have lunch. And stewpig Ade keep harping on the LiJun stuff. After lunch, Ade and cp went home, xy went vjc for basketball training while I went to meet SiHui to buy Katarina’s birthday cake at Novena. Bought the cake at some Han’s shop then prix bague or et topaze met up with Zi Wei and Chong Hui to go to Kat’s place. bague or rose coeur diamant Didn’t eat the cake though, ate the cherries only. Don’t particularly like bague solitaire diamant et or jaune cakes. Don’t bague or femme solde think cakes are that histoire d or bague or nice, although I quite like chocolate cakes. Haha. Borrowed alot of comics and some VCDs from Kat. bijoux pas cher Omg, I’m so happy. Haha. When I finished them I’m gonna borrow bague solitaire or blanc original SlamDunk Dvds from her. I couldn’t find!! I wanna buy. Shitty. goed hoesje Tooty.

As for yesterday, went to Singapore Poly with bague or olympique de marseille JingJie. The school is big! Maybe I should use gigantic enormous gargantuan Si Hui meet us at a later time. The school’s alright. Too big for my liking but still okay. The people there. Don’t really bague or minimaliste have much impression of them. Haha. Went to Queensway Shopping Centre with SiHui after that. I like 3 shirts!!! That’ll be around bague or jaune émeraude diamant 90 bucks flying away. I’ve got no money! ARGH! Two are from converse and the third bague or topaze jaune is from some don’t know what shop. Haha. coque iphone It’s a slamdunk shirt. coque iphone 6 The pictures are sorta embossed and super cute!! Costs 28 bucks. BooHoo. Hope my mama give me money to buy. So darn cute!! Omg. I cant’ wait to own bague or jaune isabel it. Haha. Ad I hope I can of course. Seriouslt short of shirts now. All bague or jaune et opale the shirts are becoming smaller and smaller. Or is it that I’m becoming fatter and fatter Haha bague or rose et noir Heck. Anyway, when we alighted at the Queesnstown mrt station, I went to ask the station master how to get to Queensway Shopping Centre from there. Then the person was like,” Queensway Shopping Centre. Popular place.” then he pointed to a bague or plaqué large sign right next to where bague solitaire diamant rond we were standing. coque iphone x And the sign was bague solitaire a en saphir pour homme like ” to Queesnway Shopping Centre take bus 195″ then there’s this arrow showing you which direction to walk from the train station. coque iphone 6 pas cher So malu. Haha.

O’s is over Oh my. bague or rose signe infini So very good. Went to buy graduation ball’s stuff yesterday. Bought a gold coloured dreww/gown from Daniel Yam. Bought my shoes and necklace/choker there too. Actually, I bought everything there. Hahazz. Lame shit. Hope I don’t fall down on Graduation Ball that day. I feel that the shoes are quite high. coque huawei Hahazz.

Anywayz, bague or blanc pas cher femme today went to Suntec City to watch the World Cyber Game with HuiYing. It’s cool!! Damn exciting and interesting! Hahazz. I’ve got no interest in WarCraft, so didn’t really watch the people play that. But Counter Strike is nice!! Played some of the scenarios before. Hahazz. coque iphone 5s And we went to watch the final competition between Germany and Russia for the Fifa game. It was damn exciting!! Then I was ooh ing and ahh ing. coque samsung coque iphone 8 Hahazz. Support Germany!! Hahazz. Germany won anyway. ‘Cos the player very good. coque iphone 5s Hahazz. I think the name’s Denise didier guerin bague or blanc diamant or sth one. He’s good looking larhz. And he let us watch replays of the goals. Then the Russia one. shakes head He’s balding a little and he skipped the replays initially. Not good looking. Hahazz. But one of his goals was so damn cool lorz. So funny de. coque huawei Don’t know how ta describe. And the commentators were super funny!! Making jokes while they were commentating. Today last day le. Regret not going earlier. Then can watchmore games and maybe root for Singaporean players.

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