If imagination were everything

We should by now have had cars that could levitate and drive themselves, androids that could march and coque samsung j6 silicone make basic decisions, at least one or two colonised planets, and some mind reading capability.

It not like we failed on all fronts, but stock markets and hedge funds do seem to have engaged most of our attention for the last half century. The space race became more of a lazy game of tag. Man hasn ventured any further than the moon, and not even to the moon very many times. coque huawei p30 lite silicone antichoc For better or worse, there are still no manmade structures out there unless you count our space junk and the flags coque samsung s8 hema and debris we planted on our satellite.

We have a life like robot called Sophia, but she can coque huawei p30 housse only say what she been told to say. Most of our other humanoid bots can do one thing well, but no more. coque huawei So they can talk but coque samsung transparente avec dessin not walk, coque samsung galaxy core prime sm g361 f move but not do stairs, and most still need prompting from humans even for this.

As for mind reading, we have a truth serum and Twitter. www.coque4design.com Drew Swinney Jersey bracelet homme The truth serum seems decidedly the less harmful of the two. Von Miller Texas A&M Aggies Jersey coque iphone coque iphone Here a look, then, at where we thought we be in key areas by now, and the things we have achieved, at the dawn of 2020.

SCIENCE AND TECH3D printed food at Food Ink, London. We can make a meal in unusual shapes now, but we still need more or less the same coque p30 huawei lite ingredients.

For much of the decade, researchers worked on creating foods that look, feel and taste like meat, but without the need for raising or slaughtering an animal. coque iphone coque samsung The world first lab grown burger (made from stem cells) was eaten in London. kanken mini Since then, plant protein and gelatin tech has improved the coque samsung galaxy s6 cover view process. The first product on coque samsung galaxy core 4g 3d the market will possibly be a burger patty. But even that a few years away, at least. bague femme Currently, lab meat is too expensive to produce, store and stock commercially. www.newmen.fr In the real world, we don have cars that can drive themselves, or levitate, though we do have the magic of GPS.

The 2010s were all big noise and bold predictions. www.museeduvermandois.fr Elon coque samsung galaxy j3 2016 monster energy Musk said cars would be driverless by 2017. Scottie Pippen Bulls Jersey Brandon Pili USC Trojans Jersey coque iphone General Motors said they be here by now. bentoben coque samsung s7 Google got into the game with Waymo in 2016. Has yours arrived There a delay. Ford date is 2021, but everyone cautious now. After an Uber test vehicle fatally knocked down a pedestrian in the US, programmes huawei p30 lite coque batman have been put on hold. Robotics companies estimate that self driven vehicles, carrying human passengers, navigating traffic and weather and making decisions, may be at least 10 years away, to say nothing of the global traffic systems that will have to adapt to work with them.

Solar cities

In 2016, the year India got its first solar city in Diu, the government announced its plan to make Delhi one by 2020. This meant generating coque huawei p30 coeur 1,000 MW of power by 2020 and taking it further to 2,000 MW by 2025. That first deadline is here. The target far from met. But there good news. goed hoesje India solar power capacities are increasing in record coque samsung s6 edge saint seiya amounts. coque samsung We are just under 38 GW at the moment. Bryce Love Jersey coque iphone Schools, mosques, hospitals, even airports are going solar, lessening the burden on coal and polluting fossil fuels. www.livalys.fr coque samsung coque samsung kawaii licorne huawei p30 coque anti choc But India Paris climate agreement goals are 100 GW of solar capacity by 2022. We unlikely to reach that goal in time. Detroit Lions Jerseys It the size of a cherry or the heart of a rabbit, and was a patient own cells were used in the development of the for the 3D printer, coque samsung galaxy s4 attrape rêve so it not really an organ. coque huawei bague argent coque huawei And stem cell engineering is still working out challenges like vasculature, the network of blood vessels that feeds any organ.

A cure for cancer

There a bit of a sad twist in the cancer coque samsung galaxy grand prime olympique marseille cure story. www.coquecover.com As researchers innovate to find ways to dimensions coque iphone 5 prolong life, minimise the side effects of treatment, and ensure that remission is as long lasting as possible, the incidence of cancer is growing. Our big worry today is that chemicals and artificial substances in our food, water, air and environment could raise the incidence further. But even moving into 2020, attempts to eradicate diseases we were sure would be gone by now like leprosy, polio have, essentially, failed. coque iphone 5s chat amazon Cases of vaccine derived polio virus (VDPV) are surfacing steadily across coque samsung galaxy a3 style Asia and Africa. re-K氓nken In order coque samsung a3 keep calm for a disease to be declared eradicated, even in coque samsung a3 2017 samsung one country, that country must go three years with no reported cases. coque samsung Since being declared polio free in 2014, India has recorded 50 cases of coque samsung galaxy core miniinthebox VDPV. Caleb Chapman Texas A&M Aggies Jersey coque samsung And while malaria rates are falling in India, according coque samsung a5 s view to the WHO we are now home to 66% of all leprosy patients in the world.


Tourist rockets are being tested

SpaceX Falcon 9 delivers 60 Starlink satellites to orbit. Cole Snyder Jersey coque samsung It won be too long before tourists can buy a ticket to (orbit) the moon.

Three private companies are in the race to help tourists escape Earth atmosphere Space X, Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin, owned by Elon Musk, Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos respectively. coque samsung Each has successfully tested unmanned craft.

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