Amid growing coque bourriquet iphone xr health concerns coque iphone 6s couple over e cigarettes, Apple will remove coque iphone 6 plus bmw all 181 vaping related apps from its mobile App Store coque iphone 4 protection this morning, Axios has learned.

According to the report, the coque attrape reve iphone xr CDC claims that 42 people have died from vaping related coque iphone 6s simpson lung illnesses, mostly due to cartridges containing THC. Apple has never allowed coque iphone 6 s kenzo apps coque iphone se silicone transparent where coque iphone 6 avec photo users can directly purchase e cigarettes or vape coque iphone 5s refermable cartridges, and in June this coque iphone 7 off white year, it stopped allowing new apps that promote vaping onto its app coque iphone xr coque bois iphone 5s portefeuille store.

In a statement to Axios Apple said:

“We take great care to curate the App Store as a trusted place coque iphone 5s apple silicone for customers, particularly youth, to download apps. We’re constantly coque iphone 5s silicone amazon evaluating apps, and consulting the latest evidence, to determine risks to users’ coque besiktas iphone xr health and well being.”

Onlookers welcomed the coque iphone 6 noir silicone move, with Matthew Myers, president of the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids coque algerie iphone xr stating it “applauds” Apple, saying the move would help to reduce youth exposure and discourage use.

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The report states that as of today, these apps will no longer be available to download from the App Store. Anyone who already has the apps will be able to continue using them, and they’ll be able to install them on new devices. It’s coque iphone minnie not coque iphone 4 voiture i blason coque iphone xr clear however if you’ll be coque iphone 5s miniinthebox able to reinstall an app once you’ve deleted it…

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