The coque iphone 5s stade francais weather is getting colder in many parts coque iphone samsung galaxy s3 of the world. And according to a handful coque iphone 5s tic et tac of social media coque iphone 5c swag pour fille reports, the chillier temperatures are having an adverse effect on coque iphone bandouliere Apple new iPhone X.

Reportedly, the iPhone X OLED display becomes coque samsung j3 2016 japon much less responsive to touch when the device is being used in cold weather. One Redditor who experienced the problem wrote that it coque iphone 6 airbag takes 2 seconds when coque mandala samsung j3 moving from indoor temperature to outdoor temperature for the issue to take place. try swiping coque iphone 7 plus tete de mort on websites and it coque iphone 5s rouge a levre doesn register my finger. It very noticeable, the user, coque iphone se otter darus214, wrote in a Reddit post on Wednesday.

Several other users responded comment changer un coque iphone 5c to darus214, coque iphone 7 peinture explaining that they had similar issues with coque iphone xr samsung galaxy j3 coque loup design using the iPhone X in coque iphone personnalisée cuir colder temperatures. had to enter my passcode 4 times because it missed coque samsung j3 2016 danseuse digits, and Face ID didn recognize me, wrote one user, adding that their iPhone X registered only about 20 percent of their touch inputs.

Reports aren limited to Reddit, either. Several users have taken to Twitter to explain similar cold weather issues with the iPhone X.

Outside in the (40 F) and had some touch coque iphone 6 plus officiel issues on the iPhone X. Basically, quite a few people are coque iphone 5 souple transparente being plagued by the cold weather problem enough for the bug to be worrisome.

CommentIt currently unknown what could coque iphone 8 apple cuir be prompting the unresponsive display issue, but the temperature which causes it seems coque iphone 6 personnalisable photobox to vary from between 45 degrees Fahrenheit (7 degrees Celsius) double coque samsung galaxy j3 2017 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees samsung galaxy j3 2017 coque marvel Celsius). Additionally, it not clear if Apple is currently aware of the issue but as we approach winter, it bound to become a more widespread problem if not addressed.

How to Fix It (Temporarily)Since we don know what causing it, coque iphone 5s géométrique we won know how Apple will address the problem. But several intrepid Reddit users have found a temporary fix: locking and unlocking the iPhone X. According to Redditor JStheoriginal, after locking and unlocking, the iPhone will register 100 percent of touch inputs. By using iDrop News you agree to our terms and conditions. iDrop News and its contents are not affiliated or endorsed by Apple, Inc…

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